
This library includes an interface: Publisher, with a single method, publish.

Classes which implement Publisher should send the event object provided to the publish method to any registered listeners.

No contract is included in this interface to add or remove listeners.

If you'd like a concrete implementation of Publisher, check out the caridea-container project.

The only implementation of Publisher we provide is the NullPublisher, which is a no-operation class intended for unit testing and as a default instance.

Here is a very simple implementation of Publisher.

namespace Foobar;

use Caridea\Event\Event;
use Caridea\Event\Listener;
use Caridea\Event\Publisher;

class MyPublisher implements Publisher
    private $publishers = [];

    public function __construct(array $publishers)
        foreach ($publishers as $p) {
            if ($p instanceof Listener) {
                $this->publishers[] = $p;

    public function notify(Event $event)
        foreach ($this->publishers as $p) {


We provide the PublisherAware interface for objects which need a Publisher.

It has one method, setPublisher, which accepts the Publisher object.

To simplify using this interface, we provide a trait, PublisherSetter, which has a protected property, $publisher, and an implementation of the setPublisher method.

namespace Foobar;

use Caridea\Event\NullPublisher;
use Caridea\Event\Publisher;
use Caridea\Event\PublisherAware;
use Caridea\Event\PublisherSetter;

class MyClass implements PublisherAware
    use PublisherSetter;

    public function __construct()
        $this->setPublisher(new NullPublisher());

The Objects class in the caridea-container project is a dependency injection container which will (among other things) automatically call setPublisher on any objects which implement PublisherAware.